Monday, December 28, 2009

I aM HeAdIng To NeW LiFe!

well, tamat lah sudah kelas pertama utk hari nie. everything going smoothly, even the semester content became more harder than previous,
yang sedeynye adlah sub microbe...
i was hoping to learn this sub again at this place..
but then yang ak blaja sem nie, adlah elementry microbiology,
bukannye clinical microbiology, the same thing happened mcm biochem...
engatkan clinical biochem tp elementry biochem..
hmm, cam ne nak survive sem nie...
utk organic insya allah msh blh dikawal
sbb same je ap yang prof ajar dgn lecturer dulu ajar...
hurm... nway, what else to say...
ak dah berada di jalan yang ak nak...
or i just have to stay where the place i used to be....
ya allah, bantu lah hamba mu nie....
ps; im starting to cry again and again !!

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